The CME program at St. Jude is part of the Clinical Education and Training Office and supports the overall institutional mission of advancing cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment by providing educational opportunities that will help our learners translate the latest research results into patient care.
We offer a variety of live seminars and conferences throughout the year. To view our upcoming educational events, register for a conference, access your St. Jude CME transcript, complete a financial disclosure form, or submit other speaker paperwork, please visit our CME portal.
If you are a St. Jude faculty member who is interested in launching a new CME activity, please consult our CME pages on the St. Jude Intranet or email us at

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.