BS - University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee
MS - University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee
Current Research
Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS), Co-Investigator
Establishment of a Lifetime Cohort of Adults Surviving Childhood Cancer (SJLIFE), Co-Investigator
Selected Publications
de Blank PM, Fisher MJ, Lu L, Leisenring WM, Ness KK, Sklar CA, Stovall M, Vukadinovich C, Robison LL, Armstrong GT, Krull KR. Impact of vision loss among survivors of childhood central nervous system astroglial tumors. Cancer Mar 1;122(5):730-9, 2016.
Tyc VL, Lensing S, Vukadinovich C, Hovell MF. Smoking restrictions in the homes of children with cancer. Am J Health Behav Jul;37(4):440-8, 2013.
Tyc VL, Huang Q, Nicholson J, Schultz B, Hovell MF, Lensing S, Vukadinovich C, Hudson MM, Zhang H. Intervention to reduce secondhand smoke exposure among children with cancer: a controlled trial. Psychooncology 22(5):1104-11, 2013.
Collins AC, Ward KD, Mirza B, Slawson DL, McClanahan BS, Vukadinovich CM. Comparison of nutritional intake in US adolescent swimmers and non-athletes. Health 4(10):873-880, 2012.
Mehlenbeck RS, Ward KD, Klesges RC, Vukadinovich CM. A pilot intervention to increase calcium intake in female collegiate athletes. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 14:18-29, 2004.
Ward KD, Hunt KM, Berg MB, Slawson DA, Vukadinovich CM, McClanahan BS, Clemens LH. Reliability and validity of a brief questionnaire to assess calcium intake in female collegiate athletes. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 14:209-21, 2004.
McClanahan BS, Harmon-Clayton K, Ward KD, Klesges RC, Vukadinovich CM, Cantler ED. Side-to-side comparisons of bone mineral density in upper and lower limbs of collegiate athletes. J Strength Cond Res 16:586-90, 2002.
McClanahan BS, Ward KD, Vukadinovich CM, Klesges RC, Chitwood L, Kinzey SJ, Brown S, Frate D. Bone mineral density in triathletes over a competitive season. J Sport Sciences 20:463-469, 2002.
Leachman SD, McClanahan BS, Clemens LH, Ward KD, Klesges RC, Vukadinovich CM, Cantler ED. Food sources of calcium in a sample of African-American an Euro-American collegiate athletes. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 11:199-208, 2001.
Peterson BA, Klesges RC, Kaufman EM, Cooper TV, Vukadinovich CM. The effects of an educational intervention on calcium intake and bone mineral content in young women with low calcium intake. Am J Health Promot 14:149-56, 2000.
Last update: March 2017