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William “Rog” Sphar

Volunteer Spotlight

William "Rog" Spar

William “Rog” Sphar has been a Child Life volunteer in the Diagnostic Imaging clinic at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital since September of 2007. A typical shift starts with cleaning dirty toys and ends with playing games or toys with patients and siblings.

“Volunteering at St. Jude has made me grateful for my own healthy children and gives me a weekly attitude adjustment, wherein my own ‘problems’ seem insignificant compared to the difficulties faced by the patients and parents I encounter,” he said.

Sphar recalls one of his favorite memories at St. Jude happened early in his volunteer service.

“I was playing with a young boy who asked me, ‘Is it really your job to play with us?’ You could almost see the wheels turning in his mind as he tried to figure out how to get on that career path!”  

Sphar says he enjoys his time volunteering in Diagnostic Imaging—ensuring the toys are clean, talking with parents or playing with patients. He is delighted when patients are excited to play with him.

St. Jude was Sphar’s first volunteer experience so he did not know what to expect, but he wants others to know that being a St. Jude volunteer is an awesome way to put life into perspective and offers the ability to make a difference.

When he is not volunteering, Sphar enjoys spending time with his children and taking photos with the Memphis Camera Club.
