Sandi Radko
Sandi Radko is determined to pursue leading-edge research in the industry sector to solve large-scale public health problems with innovative solutions. She previously worked at St. Jude in the lab of Charles Roberts, MD, PhD, Comprehensive Cancer Center director. There, she was exposed to the field of epigenetics and chromatin remodeling, and its growing importance in translational research.
Radko earned her bachelor’s degree in biology in 2013 from the University of Western Ontario and a master’s degree in microbiology in 2015 from the University of Manitoba. Her research is focused on studying the SWI/SNF complex in malignant rhabdoid tumors to uncover dependencies in this cancer type that may lead to novel therapeutic targets.
Radko has rejoined the Roberts lab as a PhD student.
“The St. Jude Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences provides the opportunity to pursue an innovative curriculum through the classroom, in the lab and clinic upon beginning the program,” she says. “I’ve learned from the best in the world through weekly seminar series, visiting speakers and collaborations with other prestigious research institutions.”
Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Oberlick EM, Rees MG, Seashore-Ludlow B, Vazquez F, Nelson GM, Dharia NV, Weir BA, Wang X, Montgomery P, Root DE, Bieber JM, Radko S, Cheah JH, Hon S, Shamji AF, Clemons PA, Park PJ, Dyer MA, Golub TR, Stegmaier K, Hahn WC, Stewart EA, Schreiber SL, Roberts CWM. Small-molecule and CRISPR screening converge to reveal RTK dependencies in pediatric rhabdoid tumors. Cell Reports 2019 (In press).
Frost JR, Mendez M, Soriano AM, Crisostomo L, Olanubi O, Radko S, Pelka P. Adenovirus 5 E1A-mediated suppression of p53 via FUBP1. J Virol 92(14): pii: e00439-18, 2018.
Radko S, Ian Stuard J, Zahariadis G. Evaluation of three commercial multiplex assays for the detection of respiratory viral infections. J Virol Methods 248:39-43, 2017.
Oladunni O, Frost J, Radko S, Pelka, P. Suppression of type I interferon signaling by E1A via RuvBL1/Pontin. J Virol 91(8):2484-16, 2017.
Jung, R, Radko S, and Pelka, P. The dual nature of Nek9 in adenovirus replication. J Virol 90, 1931-1943, 2015.
Radko S, Jung R, Olanubi O, Pelka P. Effects of adenovirus type 5 E1A isoforms on viral replication in arrested human cells. PLOSOne 10(10): e0140124, 2015.
Radko S, Koleva M, James KM, Jung R, Mymryk JS, Pelka P. Adenovirus E1A targets the DREF nuclear factor to regulate virus gene expression, DNA replication, and growth. J Virol 88(22):13469-81, 2014.