Selected Publications
Tanpure S, Boyineini J, Gnanamony M, Antony R, Fernandez K, Libes J, Lin J, Pinson D, Joseph P, Gondi S. SPARC overexpression retards radiation induced HSP27 and induces the collapse of mitochondrial Li4,1 in neuroblastoma cells. Oncology Letters 13:4602-4610, 2017.
Mostert S, Lam CG, Njuguna F, et al, on behalf of the SIOP PODC Global Taskforce on Hospital Detention Practices. Hospital detention practices: statement of a global taskforce. Lancet 386:649, 2015.
Lovvorn HN, Pierce J, Libes J, Li 8, Wei Q, Correa H, Gouffon J, Clark PE, Axt JR, Hansen E, Newton M, O'Neill JA, Kenyan Wilms Tumor Consortium: Genetic and chromosomal alterations in Kenyan Wilms tumor. Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 54(11):702-15, 2015.
Libes JM, Axt JR, Musimbi J, Oruko OV, Abdullah FK, Githanga J, Njuguna F, Li M, White JE, Shrubsole, MJ, Patel K, Ndungu J, Lovvorn Ill HN. Risk factors for abandonment of Wilms tumor therapy in Kenya. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 62(2):252-256, 2015.
Libes JM, Seeley EH, Li· M, Axt J, Pierce J, Correa H, Newton M, Hansen E, N'Dungu J, Oruko 0, Githanga J, Abdullah F, Musimbi J, Njuguna F, Patel K, Ellsworth G, Mwachiro M, White R, Judd A, McDonald H, Caprioli RM, Naranjo A, Huff V, O'Neill, JA Jr, Lovvorn HN. Race Disparities in Peptide Profiles of North American and Kenyan Wilms Tumor Specimens. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 218(4):707-20, 2014.
Murphy AJ, Pierce J, de Caestecker C, Libes J, Neblett D, Perantoni A, Tanigawa S, Anderson J, Dome J, Das A, Carroll T, Lovvorn HN. Aberrant activation, nuclear localization, and phosphorylation of YES-associated protein-1 in the embryonic kidney and Wilms tumor. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 61(2):198-205, 2014.
Murphy AJ, de Caestecker C, Pierce J, Boyle SC, Ayers GD, Zhao Z, Libes JM, Correa H, Walter T, Huppert SS, Perantoni AO, de Caestecker MP, Lovvorn Ill, HN. CITED1 expression in liver development and hepatoblastoma. Neoplasia 14(12):1153-1163, 2012.
Libes J, Petri M. Ocular manifestations of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Arthritis and Rheumatism 52(9-Supplement):1640, 2005.
Libes J, Petri M. Bone infarcts in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Arthritis and Rheumatism 52(9-Supplement):1390, 2005.
Last update: August 2017