Andrea Lee
Andrea Lee’s interest in neuroscience was built on research she conducted in 2015 studying migraines in female rats. She came to love all aspects of a researcher’s life, from learning new techniques to teaching other students.
Lee earned her bachelor’s degree in neuroscience in 2018 from Washington State University in Pullman. Lee’s interests include neurobiology and cellular mechanisms of brain tumors. Since staring at St Jude, she has discovered an interest in genome engineering utilizing CRISPR Cas9.
“I want to have a positive impact on the world,” she says. “Ultimately, I hope that my research can have a significant impact in the field of genome engineering.”
Hometown: Munich, Germany
Lee AT, Kandasamy R, Morgan MM. Depression of home cage wheel running is an objective measure of spontaneous morphine withdrawal in rats with and without persistent pain. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 156: 10-15, 2017.
Kandasamy R, Lee AT, Morgan MM. Depression of home cage wheel running: A reliable and valid method to assess migraine pain in rats. J Headache Pain 18(1): 5, 2017.