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Robert A. Kaufman, MD, FACR
Robert A. Kaufman, MD, FACR

Robert A. Kaufman, MD, FACR

Emeritus, St. Jude Faculty

  • Radiologist-in-Chief (2003-2016)



MD – University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine

Clinical Interests

  • Technical aspects of multidetector computed tomography in infants and children
  • Quality and safety in pediatric imaging
  • Administrative medicine

Research Interests

  • Dose optimization in CT studies of infants and children with cancer: strategies, risks and benefits
  • Etiology of pneumonia and co-infections in hospitalized children, both normal and immunocompromised hosts

Selected Publications

Arnold SR, Jain S, Dansie D, Kan H, Williams DJ, Ampofo K, Anderson EJ, Grijalva CG, Bramley AM, Pavia AT, Edwards KM, Nolan VG, McCullers JA, Kaufman RA. Association of Radiology Findings with Etiology of Community Acquired Pneumonia among Children. J Pediatr 2023 Oct:261:113333. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2023.01.010. Epub 2023 Feb 2. PMID: 36736585

Green A, Cockroft JL, Kaufman RA, McCuller JA, Arnold SR. Utility of Induced Sputum in Assessing Bacterial Etiology for Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Hospitalized Children. J Pediatri Infect Dis Soc 2022 June 22; 11(6):274-282. doi: 10.1093/jpids/piac014. PMID: 35363300

Harreld JH, Kaufman RA, Kang G, Maron G, Mitchell W, Thompson JW, and Srinivasan A.  Utility of Pre-Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Sinus CT Screening in Children and Adolescents. Am J Neuroradiol May;41:911–16, 2020. (

Harreld Julie H, Kaufman Robert A, Kang Guolian, Maron Gabriella, Mitchell William, Thompson Jerome W, Srinivasan Ashok.  The use of imaging to identify immunocompromised children requiring biopsy for invasive fungal rhinosinusitis.  Pediatric Blood Cancer 67:e28676, 2020. (

Somasundaram E, Deaton J, Kaufman R, Brady S. Fully Automated Tissue Classifier for Contrast-enhanced CT Scans of Adult and Pediatric Patients. Phys Med Biol 63(13):135009, 2018. doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aac944.

Somasundaram E, Kaufman RA, Brady SL. Advancements in Automated Tissue Segmentation Pipeline for Contrast-enhanced CT Scans of Adult and Pediatric Patients. Medical Imaging 2017: Computer-Aided Diagnosis. Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 10134, 1013431.

Polan DF, Brady SL, Kaufman RA. Tissue segmentation of computed tomography images using a random forest algorithm. Phys Med Biol 61(17):6553-6569, 2016. doi:10.1088/0031-9155/61/17/6553.

Mirro AE, Brady SL, Kaufman RA. Investigation of full dose potential of ASiR for head CT protocols in a predominantly pediatric population. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 37(7):1199-205, 2016. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A4754.

Federico SM, Brady SL, Pappo A, Kaufman R, Kaste S. Reply to: Radiation Dose Reduction Thanks to Split-Bolus Multi-1 Detector Computer Tomography (MDCT) in Children With Non-Thoracic Neuroblastoma. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. Epub online June 1, 2015. doi: 10.1002/pbc.25598.

Jain S, Finelli L, and the EPIC Study Team. Correspondence: Community-Acquired Pneumonia among U.S. Children. N Engl J Med 372:2166-2168, 2015. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc1504028.

McCarville MB, Chen JY, Coleman JL, Li Y, Li X, Adderson EE, Neel MD, Gold RE, Kaufman RA. Distinguishing Osteomyelitis from Ewing Sarcoma. Am. J. Roentgenol 205:640-651, 2015. doi:10.2214/AJR.15.14341. AJR Journal Club selection.

Brady SL, Mohaupt TH, Kaufman RA. Development of a comprehensive risk assessment methodology for pediatric patients undergoing all types of examinations using ionizing radiation. Am J Roentgenology 204:W510-518, 2015. doi:10.2214/AJR.14.13892. *Selected as AJR Journal Club article. Highlighted in AJR In Brief, May 2015, American Roentgen Ray Society.

Brady SL, Kaufman RA. Estimating pediatric entrance skin dose from digital radiography examination using DICOM metadata: a quality assurance tool. Med Physics 42; 2489-2497, 2015. doi:10.1118/1.4918324.

Kaste SC, Kaufman RA, Sunkara A, Kang G, Morris C, Leung W, Srinivasan A. Routine Pre- and Post-Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Computed Tomography of the Abdomen for Detecting Invasive Fungal Infection Has Limited Value. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 21:1132-5, 2015. doi:10.1016/j.bbmt.2015.02.023.

Brady SL, Mirro AE, Moore BM, Kaufman RA. How to Appropriately Calculate Effective Dose for CT Using Either Size-Specific Dose Estimates or Dose-Length Product. AJR Am J Roentgenol 204:953-8, 2015. doi:10.2214/AJR.14.13317.

Federico SM, Brady SL, Pappo A, Wu J, Mao S, McPherson VJ, Young A, Furman WL, Kaufman R, Kaste S. The role of chest computed tomography (CT) as a surveillance tool in children with high-risk neuroblastoma. Pediatr Blood Cancer 62:976-81, 2015. doi:10.1002/pbc.25400.

Jain S, Williams DJ, Arnold SR, Ampofo K, Bramley AM, Reed C, Stockmann C, Anderson EJ, Grijalva CG, Self WH, Zhu Y, Patel A, Hymas W, Chappell JD, Kaufman RA, Kan JH, Dansie D, Lenny N, Hillyard DR, Haynes LM, Levine M, Lindstrom S, Winchell JM, Katz JM, Erdman D, Schneider E, Hicks LA, Wunderink RG, Edwards KM, Pavia AT, McCullers JA, Finelli L; CDC EPIC Study Team. Community-acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization among U.S. children. N Engl J Med 372(9):835-45, 2015. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1405870.

Moore BM, Brady SL, Mirro AE, Kaufman RA. Size-specific dose estimate (SSDE) provides a simple method to calculate organ dose for pediatric CT examinations. Med Phys 41(7):07917, 2014. doi:10.1118/1.4884227.

Navid F, Sondel PM, Barfield R, Shulkin BL, Kaufman RA, Allay JA, Gan J, Hutson P, Seo S, Kim K, Goldberg J, Hank JA, Billlups C, Wu J, Furman WL, McGregor LM, Otto M, Gillies S, Handgretinger R, Santana VM. Phase 1 Trial of a Novel Anti-GD2 Antibody, hu14.18K322A, Designed to Decrease Toxicity, in Children with Refractory or Recurrent Neuroblastoma. J Clin Oncol 32(14):1445-52, 2014. doi:10.1200/JCO.2013.50.4423.

Brady SL, Moore B, Yee BS, Kaufman RA. Implementation of ASiRTM reconstruction for substantial dose reduction in pediatric CT while maintaining pre-ASiRTM image noise. Radiology Jan;270:223-231, 2014.

McCarville MB, Billups CA, Wu J, Kaufman RA, Kaste SC, Coleman JL, Sharp SE, Nadel HR, Charron M, Lederman HM, Don S, Shochat SJ, Daw NC, Shulkin BL. The Role of PET-CT in the Assessment of Pulmonary Nodules in Children with Solid Malignancies. AJR Dec;201:W900-905, 2013.

Brady SL, Kaufman RA. SSDE, a Natural Evolution for CTDIvol. In response to: CT Dose Metrics – Letter to the Editor. Radiology June;267:965-966, 2013.

Kaste SC, Kaufman RA, Baker J, Gajjar A, and Broniscer A. Magnetic resonance imaging is the preferred method to assess treatment related skeletal changes in children with brain tumors.Pediatric Blood Cancer 60:1552-1556, 2013.

Kaste SC, Brady SL, Yee B, McPherson VJ, Kaufman RA, Billups CA, Daw NC, Pappo AS. Is routine pelvic surveillance imaging necessary in patients with Wilms tumor? Cancer 119(1):182-8, 2013.

Brady SL, Kaufman RA. Investigation of American Association of Physicists in Medicine Report 204 size-specific dose estimates for pediatric CT implementation. Radiology 265(3):832-40, 2012.

Brady SL, Yee BS, Kaufman RA. Characterization of adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction algorithm for dose reduction in CT: a pediatric oncology perspective. Med Phys 39(9):5520-31, 2012.

Brady S, Kaufman R. TH-E-217BCD-03: image contrast dependent spatial resolution differences for varying levels of ASiR implementation. Med Phys 39(6):4015, 2012.

Brady S, Kaufman R. TU-G-217BCD-05: enhanced CT dose reduction for a pediatric population using peak tube potential (kVp) reduction combined with ASiR reconstruction. Med Phys 39(6):3925, 2012.

Brady S, Kaufman R. Establishing a standard calibration methodology for MOSFET detectors in computed tomography dosimetry. Med Phys 39(6):3031-40, 2012.

Last update: September 2024
