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Tyler Alexander, PhD

Tyler Alexander, PhD

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate


Principal Investigator

Kevin R. Krull, PhD 


BS - Morehouse College (2015)
PhD – University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (2018)

Research Interests

  • Neurocognitive late effects of childhood cancer
  • Neurophysiological changes associated with cognitive decline following pediatric chemotherapy
  • Behavioral effects of chemotherapy in juvenile murine models

Current Research

  • Neurocognitive late effects in childhood cancer survivors
  • Biological mechanisms of chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment using juvenile mouse models

Selected Publications

Schuitema I, Alexander T, Hudson MM, Krull KR, Edelstein K. Aging in adult survivors of childhood cancer: implications for future care. J Clin Oncol. 39(16):1741-1751; 2021. PMID: 33886351

Alexander TC, Kiffer F, Groves TR, Anderson JE, Wang J, Hayar A, Chen MT, Rodriguez A, Allen AR. Effects of thioTEPA chemotherapy on cognition and motor coordination. Synapse. Jun;73(6):e22085; 2019. PubMed PMID: 30586195.

Alexander TC, Butcher H, Krager K, Kiffer F, Groves TR, Wang J, Carter G, Allen AR. Behavioral effects of focal radiation in a juvenile murine model. Radiat Res. 2018 Jun;189(6):605-617; 2018.  PubMed PMID: 29584587.

Alexander TC, Simecka CM, Kiffer F, Groves TR, Anderson J, Carr H, Wang J, Carter G, Allen AR. Changes in cognition and dendritic complexity following intrathecal Methotrexate and Cytarabine treatment in a juvenile murine model. Behav Brain Res. Jul 2;346:21-28; 2018. PubMed PMID: 29229546.

Last update: June 2021
