Infection Control
As a condition of entry to the St. Jude campus, all vendors and contractors must comply with the infection control measures that are in place at the time of their visit.
St. Jude patients may have compromised or reduced immunity. Vendors and contractors shall not come on the St. Jude campus while experiencing any of the following symptoms: fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, body aches, loss of smell or taste, rash, pink eye, or stomach flu.
Vendors and contractors shall not come on the St. Jude campus until either removed from isolation for COVID-19, or in the event of a non-COVID-19 illness, until all symptoms have been gone for 24 hours.
Drug-Free Workplace
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Inc. (“St. Jude”), is committed to providing an alcohol and drug free workplace for its employees. St. Jude fully complies with the provisions of the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-690). All vendors and contractors are expected to adhere to St. Jude’s commitment to this Act.
Dress and Appearance
All vendors and contractors are expected to dress in a neat and clean fashion, appropriate for their job responsibilities. Garments that may be distracting or unsafe may not be worn on the St. Jude campus. Scented products should not be worn in patient care areas; this includes general gathering areas such as the Kay Kafe or meeting rooms.
All vendors are required to sign in/out and receive a badge at Materials Management or Pharmacy prior to visiting a department at St. Jude. All vendors should have a valid appointment when visiting a department at St. Jude, and may only visit the designated area.
Smoking or the use of tobacco (including smokeless tobacco products or electronic cigarettes) is prohibited by vendors and contractors in and on all St. Jude buildings, grounds, parking lots, vehicles (including contractor’s personal vehicles) and near entrances/exits to St. Jude properties. Contractors should be mindful of painted markers on the sidewalk at each entrance/exit that show the point at which smoking is not permitted.
St. Jude prohibits carrying or transporting a firearm or weapon of any kind in buildings on St. Jude property. This policy does not apply to on duty law enforcement officers. All weapons observed in buildings on St. Jude property should be immediately reported to St. Jude Security at (901) 595-4444. Emergencies involving weapons should be reported by calling 911 or St. Jude Security at (901) 595-4444 as soon as it is safely possible.
Workplace and Sexual Harassment
St. Jude will not permit or condone any form of harassment, including but not limited to harassment based on sex (including pregnancy and transgender status), sexual orientation, gender identity, race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, payment source, or marital status.
Ethical Behavior
St. Jude expects every vendor and contractor to adhere to high ethical standards and to promote ethical behavior. All vendors and contractors shall comply with all applicable rules, regulations, and laws relative to the vendor or contractor’s job duties on the St. Jude campus.
Contributions from Vendors
The fundraising organization solely dedicated to raising funds for St. Jude may solicit and accept lawful contributions in keeping with its overall charitable mission and not-for-profit status. A separation between fundraising activities and the business operations of St. Jude will be maintained as it relates to the solicitation and/or acceptance of donations.
Reporting Issues of Concern
Contractors who wish to report an issue of concern may do so through EthicsPoint at (800) 433-1847 or by visiting:
St. Jude does not permit or condone any form of retaliation for the good faith reporting of wrongdoing.