Training the world's health professionals

The best way to raise the level of childhood cancer care all over the world is by making sure there are appropriately trained health care professionals where they are needed most.
Through the International Visitors Program, selected visiting international health care professionals learn firsthand from the staff at St. Jude and take knowledge back to their parent institutions. This way, children in their home country have access to the same level of care they would receive at St. Jude.
Each year, health professionals visit St. Jude through the program.
Health care professionals all over the world can consult with St. Jude staff on difficult cases and access the latest research information — without leaving their home institution.
The comprehensive educational and collaboration program Cure4Kids gives doctors, scientists and researchers everywhere a free and open online meeting place. It is used by thousands of healthcare professionals around the world.
Many international groups meet regularly on Cure4Kids to discuss difficult cases. This means that children all over the world are on the path to receiving the same cutting-edge treatment that we're able to deliver to the kids of St. Jude.