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News & Highlights - Summer 2021

Learn about the  latest discoveries at St. Jude.


Advanced Research Center Highlights

ARC building

Mosaic microscope moves to new facility

As investigators began to move their labs to the new Advanced Research Center this summer, some equipment — such as the 1,400 lb. Mosaic microscope — required special handling. This delicate and highly sophisticated tool allows scientists to image deeper into tissues than has been possible before. A next-generation adaptive optics microscope, it is one of only a handful in development. Situated in its new home in the Advanced Research Center, it will help scientists answer biological questions that other systems cannot address.

ARC skylights

Taking science to new heights

The sheer scale of the St. Jude Advanced Research Center hints at the power of science to transform the human condition.

During the summer of 2021, scientists in the fields of developmental neurobiology, immunology, cell and molecular biology, gene editing, metabolomics, advanced microscopy, epigenetics and genomics began to move into the facility.

Designed to foster collaboration and innovation, the building contains nearly 1.8 million square feet of sheetrock, the city’s tallest glass window, and enough rebar to stretch from Memphis to Montreal. In spite of its floor-to-ceiling windows and state-of-the-art technology, the power of this building resides in the hearts and minds of the scientists who work there. In the coming years, work conducted within these walls will accelerate progress globally.


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