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A Philosophy of Giving


For one couple, beneficence has become a way of life

By Kerry Healy

Nuti family

“I love what Marlo Thomas says about giving thanks for the healthy children in your life and giving to those who are not. That means a lot,” says Michele Nuti, pictured with her son, LB, and husband, Bill.

Every good CEO is guided by a personal philosophy, and Bill and Michele Nuti are no different. The couple, who are native New Yorkers, are dedicated supporters of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and both are CEOs.

“Bill is the CEO of NCR Corp., and I am the CEO of the family,” Michele quips.

Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, NCR is a global leader in consumer transaction technologies.

“The whole notion of giving back is central to NCR’s culture and my personal business philosophy,” Bill says.

The couple puts this principle into practice in their personal lives by supporting the hospital’s lifesaving mission. They also made a generous gift to dedicate a conference room in the Marlo Thomas Center for Global Education and Collaboration in the Kay Research and Care Center at St. Jude.

“We love the idea that this building, equipped with amazing technology like the proton beam, is at the forefront in the battle against pediatric cancer,” Michele says.

The Nutis are proud parents of a son, LB.

St. Jude shows great leadership and integrity in everything they do, and that is what drives their great results.

Bill Nuti

“I love what Marlo Thomas says about giving thanks for the healthy children in your life and giving to those who are not. That means a lot,” Michele says.

Since childhood, Michele has been a devotee of St. Jude Thaddeus, the patron saint of hopeless causes for whom the hospital is named. Her grandmother often prayed to the saint in difficult times.

“Over the years I became aware of the hospital’s good work and started giving small amounts—whatever I could afford,” Michele says.

Later, as Bill’s career progressed, the couple established the Nuti Family Charitable Trust, from which St. Jude receives an annual grant.

“We see it as an investment in children’s lives,” Bill says. “St. Jude shows great leadership and integrity in everything they do, and that is what drives their great results.”

The Nutis visited St. Jude in October 2014, and Michele says they were “blown away” by the passion, dedication and hope exhibited by every person they met.

“As a parent myself, the strength that I see in those parents is amazing,” Michele says. “Bill and I are so proud and honored that we can help the children of St. Jude.” 

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