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In this issue . . .
Digging for Answers: Seeking a Cure for Ewing Sarcoma
Hannah Allison has brought a sense of vibrant curiosity along with her to St. Jude, where doctors and researchers are seeking a cure for Ewing sarcoma.
Cancer Cures: Hidden in Plain Sight?
St. Jude researchers discover surprising hope in adult cancer drugs for treating deadly brain tumors in children.
Influenza: Mastering a Global Threat
St. Jude experts work year round to help the world understand, track and combat influenza.
On the Line
At St. Jude, central lines are everybody’s business.
A Tangible Tribute
Pathway to Hope pays homage to St. Jude journey.
Shining a light on Tri Delta
Members of the Tri Delta sorority visited the hospital to celebrate their successful campaign to raise $15 million for St. Jude in five years.
Research Highlights - Promise Summer 2014
Research Highlights for Promise Summer explores the relationship between age and brain tumors, a mutated gene found in most childhood bone tumors and more.
Scrutinizing Stress
Children with cancer are tougher than you might assume.
A Whole New Family
A perspective by Penny Tramontozzi