Tina's story
During the fall of 2017, Tina became nauseous and started to throw up almost daily.
Her parents, Vicente and Marina, took her to the pediatrician who determined that Tina had a virus. But 10 days later, Tina was still sick.

Tina with her family in 2018
We went to the hospital... Within 40 minutes, they told us Tina had a brain tumor.
— Vicente, Tina's dad

A biopsy revealed the tumor was a type of brain cancer called medulloblastoma.
Tina was then referred to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
When we learned Tina had cancer, it was the worst news we’ve ever received. You never think something like this could happen to you.
— Vicente, Tina's dad
Tina’s family arrived at St. Jude in January 2018. Her treatment included 30 sessions of proton therapy and four months of chemotherapy.

Tina on the St. Jude campus
Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food — so they can focus on helping their child live.

Her family is thankful for the care she’s received – and how much St. Jude provided for their family.
St. Jude took the financial worry away. St. Jude allows families like ours to have our child treated with the best team behind us.
— Vicente, Tina's dad
Tina is now finished with treatment and returns for regular scans.
She is an honor student who loves to play tennis and spend time watching videos and playing cards with her sister.

Tina with her parents in 2021

Tina in 2021
St. Jude kept our family together... it's a little piece of heaven on earth.
— Vicente, Tina's dad

St. Jude patient Tina at her quinceañera
Five years after being diagnosed with a brain tumor, Tina's big dream came true. Tina was able to celebrate her quinceañera alongside her family and friends. The makeup and the dress completed Tina's special day and made her feel like a princess.

St. Jude patient Tina dances at her quinceañera

It was a happy day that would not have been possible without the help of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
As a cancer patient, I feel this moment was very important. It shows what I went through and how I'm doing well, thanks to St. Jude.
— St. Jude patient Tina

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
One in five children diagnosed with cancer in the U.S. won’t survive. Join St. Jude this September as we honor those with pediatric cancer. St. Jude won't stop until no child — anywhere — dies from cancer.

St. Jude patient Misheel