Dahiralis is a very active little girl who loves to play, jump and run everywhere. She has a unique charisma and energy and is full of joy and happiness.

One day, after playing at the park, she started to limp and did so for several days.
When she began to have a persistent fever, her mom took Dahiralis immediately to their local doctor in Puerto Rico, who confirmed her worst fear: Dahiralis had neuroblastoma, a cancerous tumor.

Dahiralis con un armario para la ropa de su muñeca Barbie que construyó durante su tratamiento
In 2019, Dahiralis and her family were referred to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital where doctors removed her tumor and provided her much-needed treatment and care.
Families, like Dahiralis's, will never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food.

Despite all the challenges she has faced, Dahiralis is responding well to her treatment.

Thanks to St. Jude, my beautiful daughter will be able to do all the things she loves the most.
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