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Top undergrads exercise their research chops at national symposium

Photography by Biomedical Communications, July 15, 2016

This July, 44 undergraduate students from around the country came to the St. Jude campus for the first annual National Undergraduate Research Symposium, a competitive event hosted by the St. Jude Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.

Selected candidates were invited to campus to present their research and learn about the cutting-edge science and facilities at St. Jude.

“This was an impressive group of young investigators doing incredible research as undergraduates,” said assistant dean Racquel Collins, PhD. “I’ve been receiving feedback from them, and they were just amazed by the program and facilities.”

The 2016 class held a lively poster session in the heart of the Danny Thomas Research Center, heard keynote talks from distinguished faculty members, gave oral presentations, and networked with faculty and trainees before enjoying a night out in downtown Memphis.

Read the Promise story
Next-Generation Education: The St. Jude Graduate School   Grad School

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