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How Facebook Fundraising donations work – St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

How can I donate to St. Jude on Facebook?

If I've donated on Facebook, what happens next?

Are there different ways to create a fundraiser?

  • There are several ways to create a fundraiser: 

How can I find my Facebook fundraiser?

  • There are a few ways you can find your fundraiser:
    • Go to to see your fundraisers
    • In Facebook, go to “Explore” (on the left-hand size of the screen if you're on a computer), and choose “Fundraisers.” Then, choose “Manage,” or look under your fundraiser shortcuts to see fundraisers you've created or donated to on Facebook.
  • If your fundraiser has raised at least $50 USD or the equivalent, it will also show up on the St. Jude Facebook Page. See Facebook's "When does a supporter's fundraiser appear on a charity's Page?"

Can I connect my personal St. Jude fundraising page to Facebook?

  • Yes! If you're already signed up for a St. Jude event, you can fundraise with Facebook by signing into your St. Jude fundraising center then connecting that campaign to Facebook. 

What if I need a refund?

How do I update or relaunch my Facebook fundraiser?

  • If your Facebook fundraiser is set to end sooner than you'd like, follow these steps to extend your end date:
    1. Find your Facebook fundraising page
    2. Click edit
    3. Scroll to "Set the End date"
    4. Select your desired date
    5. Save
  • If your Facebook fundraiser is connected to your personal fundraising account, follow these steps to end, delete and recreate your fundraiser connection:
    1. Find your Facebook fundraising page
    2. End your Facebook fundraiser
      • On mobile, tap the three dots above More and select End fundraiser
      • On a PC, under Donate, select More, then select End fundraiser
    3. Delete your Facebook fundraiser
      • On mobile, tap the three dots above More and select Delete fundraiser
      • On PC, select More under the invite button, then select Delete Fundraiser. Select Delete to confirm
    4. Create a new Facebook fundraiser from your participant center
      • Open and refresh your St. Jude Fundraising account for this event
      • Select the option to edit or connect to Facebook
  • If you can't select the date you want, please reach out to your Facebook group, your staff contact or contact Facebook Challenge support at