Childhood solid tumors are often difficult to study and treat because they are rare and originate in the complex biological context of developing organs. The Childhood Solid Tumor Network (CSTN) was established to disseminate resources and data that have been developed at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, with the aim of stimulating basic research and speeding translation to the clinic.

CSTN request metrics

Last updated June, 2024

Total Requests

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(>2200 samples)

Principal Investigators




Read about our new method to produce orthotopic patient-derived xenografts. All O-PDX models and associated data are available. Please cite this reference in publications resulting from use of CSTN resources:

Stewart E, Federico S, Chen X, et al. Orthotopic patient-derived xenografts of paediatric solid tumoursNature 549(7670):96-100, 2017.

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"The Childhood Solid Tumor Network repository of PDXs has been invaluable to studying rare cancers, including rhabdomyosarcoma, a devastating cancer of muscle. The resource is open-access, free and comprises a large collection of well-annotated pediatric samples."

David M. Langenau, Ph.D. 
Associate Professor, Pathology, Harvard Medical School 
Assistant Molecular Pathologist, Molecular Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital

About the Childhood Solid Tumor Network

The Childhood Solid Tumor Network was launched in 2013 by Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator Michael Dyer, PhD, of St. Jude Developmental Neurobiology, and Alberto Pappo, MD, of St. Jude Oncology.

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